Black women in the UK are still more likely to die in childbirth than their white counterparts. Samara Linton explores why—and what’s being done
Black women in the UK are still more likely to die in childbirth than their white counterparts. Samara Linton explores why—and what’s being done
In 2020 The BMJ found medical students were being let down by poor responses to complaints of racism. Gareth Iacobucci looks at what's changed
In 2020 The BMJ found medical students were being let down by poor responses to complaints of racism. Gareth Iacobucci looks at what's changed
Five years on from The BMJ’s special issue on racism in medicine—and after a global pandemic—has racism in UK medicine got better or worse?
Five years on from The BMJ’s special issue on racism in medicine—and after a global pandemic—has racism in UK medicine got better or worse?