Intended for healthcare professionals


Showing results 1-100

Brazil should use its G20 leadership to support public health systems and promote decolonisation of global health

July 23, 2024

Strengthening systems of accountability for women’s leadership in the health sector

July 17, 2024

Dismantling the structures of inequality: why we need feminist leadership in the health sector

July 17, 2024

Health systems in India: analysing barriers to inclusive health leadership through a gender lens

July 17, 2024

Does frailty need a new name?

July 9, 2024

The complex links between social media and health behaviour

June 20, 2024

Communication inequalities and incomplete data hinder understanding of how social media affect vaccine uptake

June 20, 2024

Political dimensions of misinformation, trust, and vaccine confidence in a digital age

June 20, 2024

Wider use of tranexamic acid to reduce surgical bleeding could benefit patients and health systems

June 12, 2024

Why digital innovation may not reduce healthcare’s environmental footprint

June 3, 2024

Tackling the excesses of pharmaceutical marketing

May 21, 2024

Diagnosing cancer in English community pharmacies

May 13, 2024

Health systems and environmental sustainability

April 30, 2024

Achieving more equitable access to assisted reproduction

April 26, 2024

Refocusing the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines on the needs of low and middle income countries

April 16, 2024

NHS and the whole of society must act on social determinants of health

April 11, 2024

Sustainability is critical for future proofing the NHS

April 11, 2024

Future proofing health in response to climate change and rapid urbanisation in Africa

April 8, 2024

Can current interlinked crises stimulate the structural and policy choices required for healthy societies?

April 8, 2024

NHS hospital capacity during covid-19: overstretched staff and systems

April 3, 2024

The future of the NHS depends on its workforce

March 27, 2024

NHS funding for a secure future

March 20, 2024

Statins, risk, and personalised care

March 18, 2024

Minimum unit pricing for alcohol saves lives, so why is it not implemented more widely?

March 12, 2024

Challenges of using whole genome sequencing in newborn screening

March 5, 2024

Raising the bar for disclosure of industry payments to doctors

February 29, 2024

Correcting the scientific record on abortion and mental health outcomes

February 27, 2024

Race, racism, and covid-19 in the US: lessons not learnt

February 26, 2024

US FDA breakthrough therapy designation and consumer drug advertising: a recipe for confusion

February 21, 2024

Covid-19 in US jails and prisons: implications for the next public health crisis

February 19, 2024

How corporations co-opt feminist narratives to influence women’s health

February 14, 2024

Legal infrastructure for pandemic response: lessons not learnt in the US

February 12, 2024

ADHD in children: more focus on care and support, less on diagnosis

February 8, 2024

US public health after covid-19: learning from failures

February 5, 2024

The NHS founding principles are still appropriate today

January 31, 2024

US workers during the covid-19 pandemic

January 29, 2024

Data to knowledge to improvement: creating the learning health system

January 25, 2024

Using social media to build confidence in vaccines: lessons from community engagement and social science research in Africa

January 16, 2024

Behavioural interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation on social media

January 16, 2024

Improving the transparency and reliability of observational studies through registration

January 9, 2024

Applying global lessons to protect abortion access in the United States

January 3, 2024

The politics of health system quality: how to ignite demand

December 11, 2023

Embedding implementation research to cross the quality of care chasm during the covid-19 pandemic and beyond

December 11, 2023

Inconsistent definitions of labour progress and over-medicalisation cause unnecessary harm during birth

December 6, 2023

UK policy response to female genital mutilation needs urgent rethink

November 23, 2023

Can general practice still provide meaningful continuity of care?

November 14, 2023

Removal or ablation of asymptomatic lung metastases should be reconsidered

November 9, 2023

Burden of proof: combating inaccurate citation in biomedical literature

November 6, 2023

Tackling racism in maternal health

October 24, 2023

Maternal and neonatal trauma during forceps and vacuum delivery must not be overlooked

October 19, 2023

High but decreasing prevalence of overweight in preschool children: encouragement for further action

October 9, 2023

Social, clinical, and policy implications of ultra-processed food addiction

October 9, 2023

Interwoven challenges of covid-19, poor diet, and cardiometabolic health

October 9, 2023

Nutrition could prevent or promote non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an opportunity for intervention

October 9, 2023

Non-sugar sweeteners: helpful or harmful? The challenge of developing intake recommendations with the available research

October 9, 2023

Ultra-processed foods and cardiometabolic health: public health policies to reduce consumption cannot wait

October 9, 2023

Evidence for clinical interventions targeting the gut microbiome in cardiometabolic disease

October 9, 2023

Environmental sustainability in healthcare systems: role of frugal innovation

October 2, 2023

Unethical pharma marketing requires collective responsibility

September 19, 2023

Consent in cluster randomised trials: the new EU Clinical Trials Regulation does not provide sufficient guidance

September 13, 2023

Better data on unmet healthcare need can strengthen global monitoring of universal health coverage

September 5, 2023

Countering sex and gender bias in cardiovascular research requires more than equal recruitment

August 30, 2023

Appendicectomy remains treatment of choice for patients with acute appendicitis

August 21, 2023

Stigma is stopping an evidence based response to drug overdose deaths

August 9, 2023

Re-evaluating national screening for chronic kidney disease in the UK

July 31, 2023

Use and misuse of research: Canada’s response to covid-19 and its health inequalities

July 24, 2023

How Canada’s decentralised covid-19 response affected public health data and decision making

July 24, 2023

The predictable crisis of covid-19 in Canada’s long term care homes

July 24, 2023

Canada’s role in covid-19 global vaccine equity failures

July 24, 2023

Religion as a social force in health: complexities and contradictions

July 18, 2023

The power of autonomy and resilience in healthcare delivery

July 4, 2023

Building a better understanding of adult social care

July 4, 2023

Assessing resilience of a health system is difficult but necessary to prepare for the next crisis

July 4, 2023

Invisible no more: unpaid care giving in the shadow of covid-19

July 4, 2023

Tackling the erosion of compassion in acute mental health services

July 4, 2023

Unintended consequences of measuring equity, diversity, and inclusion in medicine

June 26, 2023

Poor visibility of retracted articles: a problem that should no longer be ignored

June 20, 2023

Using health technology assessment to inform insurance reimbursement of high technology medicines in China: an example of cancer immunotherapy

June 15, 2023

Health technology assessment to inform decision making in China: progress, challenges, and sustainability

June 15, 2023

How health technology reassessment can support disinvestment in China’s national drug reimbursement list

June 15, 2023

Use of real world data to improve drug coverage decisions in China

June 15, 2023

Use of health technology assessment in drug reimbursement in China

June 15, 2023

Detransition needs further understanding, not controversy

June 14, 2023

Considering tomorrow’s patients in today’s drug approvals

June 8, 2023

Using an intersectionality approach to transform health services for overlooked healthcare users and workers after covid-19

June 7, 2023

African governments must build on covid-19 responses to advance gender equality

June 7, 2023

Acting on sex and gender in medical innovation is good for business

June 7, 2023

How inflation threatens the NHS and what policy makers can do about it

May 25, 2023

Integrating non-communicable disease prevention and control into maternal and child health programmes

May 23, 2023

Integrating perinatal mental healthcare into maternal and perinatal services in low and middle income countries

May 23, 2023

Building an interdisciplinary workforce for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: the role of e-learning

May 23, 2023

The promise of digital health technologies for integrated care for maternal and child health and non-communicable diseases

May 23, 2023

Current policies on early detection of prostate cancer create overdiagnosis and inequity with minimal benefit

May 17, 2023

Institutionalising community engagement for quality of care: moving beyond the rhetoric

May 15, 2023

Reforming EU orphan drug regulations to improve outcomes for patients with rare diseases

May 9, 2023

Delivering quality care to all mothers and newborns requires governments to engage the private sector

May 5, 2023

Facilitators of co-leadership for quality care

May 5, 2023

Age and sex can predict cancer risk in people referred with breast symptoms

April 26, 2023

The CPTPP trade deal is a major threat to public health

April 12, 2023

Statutory levy on gambling may do more harm than good

April 6, 2023
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